There are a few things everyone should be doing during COVID-19. The CDC recommends that every stay home as much as they can, practices social distancing when outdoors or in common spaces, wash their hands often and effectively, cover coughs, and make sure that if a person feels symptoms they call their medical provider before leaving home. Beyond the initial 5 guidelines, the CDC has published extensive guidelines on the different ways we can limit the spread of the disease, protect ourselves, and protect our communities. Within that list is the CDC’s guidelines on disinfecting surfaces. COVID-19 is said to transmit via contact, which means surfaces that carry the disease are a larger risk. That is why it is important to consistently disinfect. If you are frequently leaving your home for any reason, you need to make sure that your clothing is properly disinfected. Here are a few tips to follow:
Social Distance At Communal Laundry Rooms
Not everyone has access to in-home laundry washers and dryers. This is especially true in urban areas and dense cities. Many apartment buildings have community laundry rooms, and other buildings have no laundry options, requiring the tenants to do their laundry in nearby laundromats. If you are doing your laundry in a public or shared space consider the following pieces of advice:
- Wear a Mask: The CDC has recommended that people wear masks or cloth coverings that cover their nose and mouth when in public.
- Avoid Peak Times: During this time we want to limit the number of people in a room at any time. To do this, we recommend going to laundromats or community laundry rooms when there are fewer people in them.
- Wash Your Hands: It is important to wash your hands before & after touching any common surfaces. This includes door handles, washers, dryers, and folding tables. For laundromat owners, these surfaces should be disinfected often.
- Wash Clothing Regularly: If you are frequently leaving your home during the pandemic it is important to wash your cloth regularly and to keep clean clothing and worn clothing separate. Consider disinfecting your laundry basket liners as well.
Wash Your Clothing in Warm or Hot Water
When you wash your clothing use the warmest water setting that your clothes can be safely washed in. Warmer water is proven to have an increased effect when eliminating the virus. For more information on how to properly disinfect your laundry, please read our previous article. For more information on staying safe during this time, refer to the CDC’s COVID-19 section of their website.