Smart Laundry Card
Automatic Laundry pioneered the deployment of dedicated web-based “Code to Card” systems, which allow residents to add value to their Resident Advantage Card® and receive faster refunds. Automatic Laundry’s Resident Advantage® system offers residents a coinless and cashless “must have” amenity. This system eliminates the need for residents to collect quarters until they have enough saved to do their laundry. Resident Advantage® offers communities convenience and security, restricting laundry room usage to residents only and removes all cash from the community.
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Apartment Buildings, Condos, Campuses, etc.

Using Your Smart Laundry Card
Each resident receives a Resident Advantage Card® for their community washers and dryers. Automatic Laundry offers residents several different ways to add value to their Resident Advantage Card®. Residents can use their credit card or bank ATM card to add value to their smart laundry card, or they can conveniently go online to Automatic Laundry’s secure website, create a user profile, and add value to their smart laundry card using the “Code to Card” system. Residents who do not have access to the Internet or have credit cards can arrange to purchase value on their smart laundry card by prepaying via check. Automatic Laundry’s helpful card administrators will add the purchased value to their smart laundry card and return it to them.
Automatic Laundry’s Laundry Tracker™ community laundry room monitoring system allows residents of enrolled multi-housing communities to monitor their community laundry room and check the status of their wash and dry cycles online. Residents can go online to see how busy the laundry facilities are before leaving the comfort of their unit. Using their computer, mobile device or smartphone, residents can easily monitor washer and dryer availability and receive text or e-mail alerts when their laundry is completed in real-time.
Where People Use Our Smart Laundry Card

Apartments, Condos, and Multi-Housing

Colleges & Universities

On-Premises Laundry

Improve Resident Experience
With Our App
Make getting laundry done as easy as possible for residents with our mobile app. The LaundryConnect™ App gives residents the ability to view the real-time usage of machines in a community laundry room.